Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Opinions needed, please...

As some of you may know, the price of silver has sky rocketed in the last year and a half. My price has almost tripled in that time and my Etsy shop's prices have also had to inch up. I recently found some sterling silver filled wire which is less expensive. The filled wire is not the same as plated. It is the same process to manufacture, but the thickness of silver is much, much more and so much more durable.

I have a big question and would like your feedback...would you like to keep prices where they are and use the sterling silver filled wire or would you prefer to pay more for solid sterling silver wire? Or is it something that I should offer both in my shop? Please let me know how to feel and what your preference would be...your opinion is much appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. I think giving people the option would be best. I think you will get very mixed opinions on this. To each his own.
