Saturday, October 3, 2009

Well, it's been a while since I last wrote on my blog. This week has been very busy. Seems like summer has come and gone and now the cooler weather is here - yippee! I love this time of the year and the holidays that are coming up. I am so not a summer person.

Went shopping this week for my son...seemed that everything he has is getting too small. That works out good with the season change. Took advantage of a few sales in Murfreesboro. Still have more to do for him, but at least he has a few things to get him started.

I am a different story on the other hand. I have nothing that I can wear from last year (well, I have a few things, I don't mean to be that dramatic!). And that's a good thing since I've been trying to lose weight this year. I am at 19 lbs lost since May thanks to Weight Watchers Online! Guess I'll have to go shopping sometime soon and get a few basics. I like the weight loss part, but I have such a hard time finding clothes to fit.

The jewelry business is doing well. I hope it picks up even more this holiday season. Should be interesting since this is my first complete year of designing and making my own jewelry designs. I'm sure that I'll be doing a few home parties and I plan on having an Open House in Nov. or Dec. If you'd like to have a home party, just let me know. Hostesses earn free jewelry for hosting a party!

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