Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Resolution?

I've been thinking over the last few days of what my New Years Resolution should be...and I really still haven't come up with just one thing. Have you made yours? If so, I'd love to hear what you're working toward or on.

I've got several things to put on the list such as: get my son ready to start kindergarten in the fall, grow my jewelry business even more with a pearl stringing service and more home parties, be a better cook for my family (tasty while good for you kinds of food), and finally, loose those extra 5-10 pounds to get me into my target weight range. I've already lost 22 lbs since May, so a few more shouldn't be that bad, right!?!

I can't believe that the next time I'll be writing on my blog will be 2010. It seems like just yesterday when Y2K was approaching and computer admin. people were preparing all of the world's computers to not have the huge date glitch. I was newly married and working for an interior design firm in Brentwood, TN. I have learned so much since then and I wouldn't go back in time for any amount of money. I am happy to say that I like where I am now being a mother and wife.

Whatever your goal is for the next year, I hope you have a Happy New Year that is safe, prosperous, and lots of fun!

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