Thursday, January 7, 2010

Where's The Snow???

Well, all I've heard about on the news for the last three days has been "the great big snow storm that is coming our way". The weather forecasters led us to believe that the storm of the century was coming. I was so excited to be snowed in...

I woke up this morning and rushed to look out the window...nothing. Not even one flake of the white stuff! I was so disappointed, and I guess someone else got the 2-3 inches we were supposed to get. I don't understand the weather people sometimes. Oh well, there's still more winter left and maybe we'll get some snow later on in the year.

Matthew was supposed to start his Mother's Day Out program at a local church today, too. The poor little guy was so excited to make new friends, go to "school", and do arts 'n crafts. I hated breaking the news that he wasn't going to be able to go. Guess that means he and I will be doing lots of arts 'n crafts together today!

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