Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Big Day For Matthew

Today was Matt's first day going to his Mother's Day Out Program at a local church. I was very excited but yet nervous about taking him this morning. I knew that he would have fun and that this was a precursor to him starting kindergarten in the Fall. He did so well...we walked in and I found a place for his backpack and nap mat. When I got that done, I looked up and he was playing Playdoh with the other kids at the table. I didn't want to make a big scene, so I quietly exited, telling the teacher that if she needed me for anything, to not hesitate to call. I expected him to cry...and to get a call from someone.

I called a couple of hours later to check on him and he was having so much fun! And no tears which was so awesome! He had been playing with the other kids, doing arts 'n crafts, playing trucks, and having a morning snack. They were getting ready to read, sing, and eat lunch. I knew he was having such a good time, and that made me feel so much better about our new adventure.

I couldn't wait to go pick him up to see how his day was, what new friends he'd met, and what kind of games and other activities he'd played. When I asked him on the way home if he was excited about going back the next time, he said that he had a good time and that he wanted to go back. Yeah!

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