Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Eventful Day

Yesterday was a very eventful day to say the least. I had to make a trip to Murfreesboro for an appointment, so Matt and I headed out yesterday morning through the snow and ice we'd received the night before. Our old country road was slick, but we took our time and made it to the main highway okay.

We had a few errands that I had to do, so as soon as we got to Murfreesboro, we did what we needed to. Then it was lunch time and Matthew wanted to go to Jason's Deli. I'm always up for going to that place - it is soooo good and you get free ice cream!

Matt wanted some ice cream when we were done eating our meal, so we headed to the machine. They didn't have any cups, so I asked him if he wanted a cone instead (something new for us to try!). He absolutely loved eating out of a cone and got chocolate ice cream all over his chin, nose, and it even dripped down to his shirt! By that time, more cups had arrived, so I took the safe route, used one to fill up with vanilla ice cream. It was so good!

We still needed to get a few things at Target, so we went there next. I actually found a spot right next to the door if you can believe that! I didn't know it, but that spot really helped me out, as you'll read later.

While in Target, we got what we needed and left enough time to get to the appointment. We checked out and started to the car. When we got closer to my excellent parking spot, I noticed that my rear driver's side tire was going flat! Oh no! I probably wouldn't have seen the low tire if we'd parked in the middle of a bunch of cars. I loaded up our things, got Matt in the car and drove to the nearest gas station to fill it up with air. And we were on a time schedule to be where we needed to be.

After the tire was filled up again, we went to the appointment and I hoped that the air would stay in there long enough to get me to a tire place. The air did stay in the tire while I was inside and it lasted just long enough to get repaired. We had picked up a nail somewhere and that is what was causing the leak. $23 dollars and an hour and a half later, we were back on the road home. I'm glad that everything worked out okay and that we made it home safely.

P.S. I looked out the window this morning and it is still aired up!

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